The following pieces are of a series II started for my Illustration studies. They follow characters based around this society of moths, and one outcasted ant, who was mistreated by the moths. He seeks to take revenge on the moths who outcasted him from their society by using their weakness, light, to lure them and feed them to a beast in the forest known as “the Spider” (although never seen).
Adam Ciesielski
Love at The End of the World
Adam Ciesielski
Self Portrait
Adam Ciesielski
Some Fanart from Games
Adam Ciesielski
Zero Escape: 999
Eyeball World
Street Fighter VI: Dee Jay
Pandora (OC by Starnonx on twitter)
Super Danganronpa Another: Kinji Uehara
Witch’s Heart
Zero Escape: Vitrue’s Last Reward
Super Danganronpa Another 2: Emma Magarobi
Dr Foshklar (OC by Mr_Weegee_) on Twitter
Super Danganronpa Another 2: Syobai Hasimoto
MASQ: Danganronpa pre trial splashes!
Kula Diamond, Nana Hiragi, Mori (OC by Jonkler), Lamplighter, Pidgeon
Bert, Tanya, Panchito, Mikuro,
Pizzahead, Staff, Papyrus, Simon, Zeb